Livestreaming to Facebook with Switcher Studio

Switcher Studio's Facebook integration allows you to easily stream to your Timeline or a Page that you Admin, so long as your Facebook login account is at least 60 days old. This article provides options and step-by-step instructions for each step.

In this article:

Requirements for Livestreaming on Facebook

As of June 10th, 2024, Facebook will enforce the following requirements for livestreaming:

  • All Facebook users must have a Facebook account that is at least 60 days old.
  • Pages and professional modes must have at least 100 followers.

To avoid any lapse in reaching your customer base, you can livestream directly to your own video player using Switcher's Business Plan. Check out the Switcher Player Overview to learn more.

Required Permissions for Facebook Pages

Facebook Page Permissions

In order to stream to a Facebook Page, your personal Facebook account must have Admin or Editor access to that Page. Anything other than an Admin or Editor role will not allow you to stream to the Page.

The Facebook Page that you're wanting to stream to will also need to have at least 100 followers.

Note: Streaming to a Facebook Event is not possible with the integration, but you can use Switcher Studio's Custom RTMP option to stream to an Event. Check out the Help Center article Streaming to a Facebook Event with Switcher Studio for step-by-step instructions.

Linking Your Facebook Account Using the Switcher Dashboard

You can connect your Facebook account to Switcher Studio either directly through the Switcher iOS app or the Switcher Studio Dashboard.

To link your Facebook account using the Dashboard:

  • Go to the Switcher Studio Dashboard

  • Click Platforms in the left sidebar.

  • Click Connect next to Facebook.

  • Click Connect Account.

    • If you are already logged into Facebook, click Continue as .

    • If you are not already logged into Facebook, log in with your email and password.

  • Keep the visibility settings set to Public.

    • Public visibility is required in order for Switcher Studio to post to your Timeline on Facebook. You can adjust the visibility settings on individual streams when you set them up.

  • Click OK.

  • Click OK to give Switcher permission to post to your Pages.

    • You can remove destinations by clicking Choose what you allow. Be very careful to ensure you do not remove a destination you may want to stream to in the future.

  • Once you have successfully linked your account, you will be returned to the Dashboard.

    • When you are ready to stream to Facebook, you will need to use the Switcher Studio mobile app on an iOS device and follow the instructions outlined under Setting up the Facebook Stream.

Note: The Facebook linking authorization expires occasionally. If you receive an error message about a user token, or if you are prompted to relink your account, you can easily relink in the Dashboard or iOS app.

Linking Your Facebook Account Using the Switcher Studio App

If you would rather link your account using the mobile app instead of the online Dashboard, the process is slightly different.

To link your Facebook account using the Switcher Studio app:

  • Open the Switcher Studio app on the main switching device(iPad, iPhone).

  • Tap the Outputs tab.

  • Tap the plus icon (+) in the top-right corner of the Outputs tab.

  • Tap Connect next to Facebook.

  • Tap Connect Account.

  • Enter your Facebook login credentials.

    • If you are already logged into Facebook on Safari, you will not need to enter a username and password.

  • If you are asked to select permissions, keep the visibility setting on Public and click OK.

    • If you change this setting to anything other than Public, no one will be able to see any videos you stream using Switcher Studio. You can adjust the visibility settings for each individual video once you set up a stream.

  • Click OK.

    • You will receive a confirmation message when your account has been linked.

  • Tap Continue.

Note: The Facebook linking authorization expires occasionally. If you receive an error message about a user token, or if you are prompted to relink your account, you can easily relink in the Dashboard or iOS app.

Configuring and Starting the Facebook Stream

  • Open the Switcher Studio app on your main switching device.
  • Go to the Outputs tab (box with arrow icon).
  • Tap the blue arrow next to Livestreaming.
  • Tap on the orange "Create A New Livestream" button.
  • Tap on the Facebook icon, and choose whether the stream should go to your Timeline, a Page that you Admin, or a private test stream (on your personal timeline).
  • You'll be taken back to the Livestreaming window. Tap on any other destinations (if you plan to Multistream), and then tap the orange "Continue" button at the top-right of the window when you're finished selecting your destination(s).

  • Tap on the dropdown menu beneath Scheduling to create an event for now, or to pre-schedule one for a later time.
  • Add a Title and a Description for your stream.
  • Tap the orange Speed Test button to select the best stream quality for your current network situation.
  • Scroll to the bottom and choose Create.

You'll now see the title of your Facebook stream written beside "Livestreaming" in the Outputs tab, and a blue checkmark will be beside "Livestreaming", too.

When you're ready to go live, tap the big red button in the top-right corner. Happy streaming!

Keywords: stream, Facebook, configure, page, settings, profile, timeline

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