Camera Goes in & Out of Focus
When a camera continuously goes in and out of focus (i.e. popping, jumping), it is usually caused by the autofocus feature. As a subject moves, autofocus will continuously readjust until the lens is in focus. Depending on movement, lighting, and background, cameras can have trouble stabilizing the focus at times. If you are experiencing this issue, we recommend disabling the autofocus feature.
In this article:
Checking the Autofocus Status
To quickly see if Autofocus is on, look for the letters AF at the top of the Sources panel. If there is a blue box around AF (shown in the screenshot below), then Autofocus is enabled.
Disabling Autofocus
To turn off Autofocus, tap the AF icon. Once it is disabled, there will be no blue box around the letters, and shown in the screenshot below.
Locking Autofocus When Live
If you use the Preview window, and you want to use Autofocus in Preview mode but disable it in the Live view, you can disable autofocus as follows:
Go to the Camera Control tab (icon with two horizontal lines)
Tap the toggle bar next to Lock Autofocus When Live.
Keyword(s): focus, camera, auto, autofocus, popping, jumping, troubleshoot