Password Protecting Your Videos, Collections, and Catalog
While you can always have your videos available to watch for free or gated behind a paywall, you may choose to include more exclusive, bonus content for some viewers. For these videos, you can Password Protect them with a password that YOU choose.
As a result, only viewers with this exclusive password will be able to view the video.
Password Gating can be done on any level of video content, including individual videos, entire collections, or an entire Catalog!
Table Of Contents
Enabling Password Protection For A Video
Enabling Password Protection For An Upcoming Streaming Event
Enabling Password Protection For A Video
To get started, navigate to the Video Catalog in your Switcher Dashboard. Once there, tap the pencil icon beside your desired Collections Player to edit it, or click on Gating Options to assign Password Protections to your entire Video Catalog.
You'll now be on the Collection Settings page, where it shows all of the videos in this particular Collection. Tap on the pencil icon beside the desired video to edit it.
A pop-up window will open. Scroll down, and you’ll see an option for “Gating Options In This Collection”.
Toggle on “Require password access” to gate the video to be password protected.
A box will open for “Password” where you will enter the password required. You will need to provide this password to your viewers for them to be able to view the Collection.
The orange "Save Changes" button in the top-right corner is now active. Click on that to save your changes.
NOTE: The password is case-sensitive. If a viewer is having trouble accessing your video, make sure they are capitalizing the correct letters in the provided password.
Enabling Password Protection For An Upcoming Streaming Event
NOTE: You must be streaming to the Video Catalog in order to use Password Protection!
To get started, create a new streaming event as you normally would, and make sure to select Video Catalog as one of your destinations. Head to the next screen to add the stream's title, description, and set the quality that's best for your current network.
Next, scroll down, and tap on the dropdown for Video Catalog:
Use the clickable box beside Add To Collection to choose which Collection(s) should receive this stream.
Then, tap on the box beside Enable Gated Content.
Tap on the toggle beside Enable Password Access.
When you're done, tap on the orange Create button at the bottom of the window.
What The Viewer Sees
When the viewer goes to watch your video (whether live or pre-recorded), they'll see a notice in the center of the video that it's locked for password entry. The video cannot be played yet.
At the top-right corner with the video's information, they'll see a black button that reads "Unlock With Password". They’ll need to click that button and enter in the provided password.
After this, they'll be able to view the video!
NOTE: The password is case-sensitive. If a viewer is having trouble accessing your video, make sure they are capitalizing the correct letters in the provided password.