Creating A One-Time Pass For A Video Or Collection

With Switcher's hosting capabilities, you can place individual videos and Collections behind a paywall. This requires viewers to purchase a One-Time Pass or a Subscription in order to view your selected content. You can follow the steps below to create a One-Time Pass in the Switcher Dashboard or in the Switcher App.

Note: If you would like to create a Subscription pass for access to existing and upcoming video content, check out How to Create a Subscription Pass.

Table Of Contents

Creating A One-Time Pass In The Switcher Dashboard

Creating A One-Time Pass In The Switcher App

Creating A One-Time Pass In The Switcher Dashboard

  • Go to in a web browser, and log in with your Switcher account credentials.
  • Using the menu on the left-hand side, choose Video CMS > Video Catalog.
  • Now, using the menu on the right-hand side, choose Gating Options.

  • You're now on the Catalog Gating Options page and will see three disabled toggles. Enable the bottom (3rd) toggle for Require purchase to view (automatically collects email).
  • A dropdown will open, showing options for Subscription Passes and One-Time Passes. Click the radio button to choose One-Time Pass.
  • Under One-Time Price, enter in your desired cost of the Pass.
    • If desired, click the checkbox for Timed Access Period, and enter in the duration that the Pass will be active (i.e. If you choose a Timed Access Period of 2 weeks, the viewer will have 2 weeks to view the content as much as they desire. After the 2 weeks elapses, they'll have to purchase a new pass to view the content again).
  • When you're done, click the orange Save Changes button!

Creating A One-Time Pass In The Switcher App

When creating your event, make sure to tap the toggle for "Video Catalog" to the on position, Then, tap on the dropdown menu and select the Collection you wish to stream to.

You'll be taken to the Event Details screen. Toward the bottom is a section for "Destination Settings", in which you'll see the Video Catalog listed. Tap on the (i) icon.

Choose from the pre-created Passes listed, or tap on New Pass.

Give this pass a name, description, and a price that is $2.00 USD or higher. Then, tap on Create in the top-right corner.

Your new Pass will now be automatically selected. You can tap the arrow in the top-left of the window to finish creating your stream.