Creating A Subscription Pass For Your Switcher Player

Switcher Player offers the ability for viewers to purchase monthly or annual subscriptions to access your video content. You can create your subscription passes in the Switcher Dashboard and assign them directly to the Switcher Player you want to monetize.

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Subscriptions Overview

Passes are created in the Switcher Dashboard and can be assigned to videos, allowing your viewers to purchase premium content. Subscription passes are applied to the Switcher Player and allow access to existing and upcoming video content, whereas one-time passes can be created and assigned to a set of one or more existing videos. Once a viewer purchases a subscription pass, they can access all content on the Switcher Player.

How To Create A Subscription Pass

  • Log in to your Switcher Dashboard in a web browser.
  • Click Gated Content in the left sidebar.
  • Click Create a Pass.
  • Enter the name of the pass.
  • Select Subscription.
  • Select monthly and/or annual payment options.
  • Enter the monthly and/or annual costs.
  • Click Select Players.
  • Select the Players you would like to assign the subscription to.
  • Click Continue.
  • Click Create.

Note: Any previous Gated Content passes and associated purchases will not allow access to the content once a Subscription is applied. Only add a Subscription pass to video content you are sure will not negatively impact previous pass purchasers.

How To Assign An Existing Subscription To A Switcher Player

To Assign an Existing Subscription to a Switcher Player:

  • Go to the Switcher Players tab in the Switcher Dashboard.
  • Click the Switcher Player you would like to assign a Subscription to.
  • Click Gated Content.
  • Next to Subscription Pass, click Add Pricing.
  • Select the Subscription Pass.
  • Click Save.

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