Receiving an Expired Account Message while on the Plus Plan
If you log into the Switcher Studio app and see a message about an Expired Account, but you know you're part of an active account, it means you're logged into your Personal Workspace. You'll need to log into your Team Workspace as follows:
Step 1: Log out of the Switcher Studio mobile app.
Tap Profile on the Switcher Studio launch screen.
Tap My Account.
Tap Log Out.
Step 2: Log into the Switcher Studio Dashboard.
Go to the Dashboard at on a mobile device or computer.
If you are prompted to log in, enter your email address and password.
Click Log In.
Step 3: Select your Team Workspace.
If you had to enter your email address and password in Step 2, then you will immediately be prompted to select your Team Workspace.
A green check mark will appear confirming the selection.
If you were automatically logged in in Step 2, then click your email address in the top left corner.
Select Workspaces as shown below.
Select your Team Workspace.
A green check mark will appear confirming the selection.
Step 4: Log back into the Switcher Studio iOS App
Open the Switcher Studio mobile app.
Enter your email address and password.
You will be logged into the Team Workspace and should have access to all the Plus Plan features.