How To Schedule a Video Premiere With Switcher

Switcher Business Plan users can schedule a video to premiere at a specific date and time on their Switcher Player. This is a great way to build anticipation for prerecorded content or publish a recorded and edited video as a livestream for your viewers to engage with. Follow the steps below to begin.

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How to Schedule a Video Premiere in the Switcher App

  • Open the Switcher App.
  • Tap the orange plus button. (iPhone only)
  • Tap Upload Video.
  • Select the video file.
  • Enter the Title and Description.
  • Tap the dropdown next to Visibility.
  • Select Schedule Premiere.
  • Select the Date and Time.
  • Tap Done.
  • Tap Add to Players.
  • Select the players you would like the video to premiere on.
  • Tap Done.
  • Tap Upload.
  • The video will now automatically premiere at the selected time.

How to Schedule a Video Premiere in the Dashboard

  • Go to the Switcher Dashboard.
  • Expand Video CMS in the left sidebar.
  • Click Video Library.
  • Click Click to Upload to Library or drag and drop your video file.
  • Enter the title and description.
  • Upload a thumbnail. (optional)
  • Expand the dropdown below Video Visibility.
  • Select Schedule Premiere.
  • Select a date and time.
  • Select a category. (optional)
  • Click Select Players.
  • Check the box next to each player you would like the video to premiere on.
  • Click Save.
  • Add Links. (optional)
  • Click Upload.
  • The video will be published on your Switcher Player(s) at the time you have selected.

Note: Once the video is uploaded and scheduled to premiere, the video information in the video library will display the date of the premiere.

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