Embedding Your YouTube Video
Embedding is a feature that allows you to display YouTube live streams on other websites using an HTML code provided by YouTube. Embedding live stream videos allows you to extend your reach beyond those using the YouTube website or app, and makes it accessible to a vast number potential viewers on countless platforms.
In this article:
Eligibility Requirements
For some users, YouTube now requires certain eligibility criteria to be met in order to access live stream embedding and other advanced features. YouTube is testing these changes to reduce abuse on their platform. You can review Access to YouTube tools and features on Google Help for more information.
Both of the below criteria are required:
Channel is free of active Community Guidelines strikes
In addition to one of the following:
Create a video verification
Use a valid ID
Establish channel history

Accessing Your Eligibility Status
Go to studio.youtube.com on a web browser (ex. Google Chrome)
Log in using your YouTube account credentials
Click Settings in the left sidebar
Click Channel
Click the Feature Eligibility tab
Your account will display Enabled or Disabled for each feature level, depending on the required criteria that is met
Live stream embedding is under 3. Advanced Features

Allowing Embedding in Switcher Studio
On an iPad or iPhone:
Open Switcher Studio
Tap the Outputs tab
Tap YouTube
Tap the blue arrow next to YouTube
Tap the desired YouTube account
Enter the title and description
Tap the toggle next to Allow Embedding to set it to the on position
Tap Save
On a computer:
Log in to the Switcher Studio Dashboard
Click the Platforms tab in the left sidebar
Click Details next to YouTube (or Connect if YouTube is not yet linked)
Click the desired YouTube account
Enter the title and description
Click the toggle next to Allow Embedding to set it to the on position
Click Save
Once the settings are saved on the Dashboard, open the Switcher Studio app and press the record button to begin streaming to Youtube
Make sure YouTube under the Outputs tab has a check mark next to it
Note: If you receive an "Embed setting was invalid" error message in Switcher Studio when saving your YouTube live stream settings, this means your YouTube account does not meet YouTube's eligibility requirements. See YouTube requirements for embedding live streams for more information.

Retrieving an Embed Code
In order to access your HTML embed code, we recommend using a secondary device (ex. computer) to prevent closing the Switcher Studio app on your main switching device and ending your stream.
Log in to YouTube Studio
Click the Content tab in the left sidebar
Click Live under Channel Content
Click your live stream video
Click the url link below Video Link (ex. https://youtu.be/LfPG673Zu7U)
Click Share below the video player
Click Embed
Double-click the HTML code to highlight it
Right-click the highlighted HTML code
Click Copy
Once your code is copied, you may paste it on any website that allows HTML

Keyword(s): enable, embed, YouTube, live, stream, video