Finding the Best Audio Configuration for Your Stream
To identify which audio configuration is best for your stream, it is important to know how many microphones or audio sources you will be using. Once you have discovered which audio configuration best suits your stream, head over to Audio Gear Recommendations to find the right equipment.
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One microphone configuration
Recommended equipment
iPad or iPhone
Micro-USB to Lightning cable (included with the following microphone)
Signal path
Microphone > Micro USB to Lightning cable > iPad or iPhone
One to two microphones or audio sources configuration
Recommended equipment
iPad or iPhone
USB to Lightning or USB to USB-C cable (normally included with interface)
Microphone(s) or audio source(s)
Signal path
Microphone(s) or audio source(s) > XLR cable(s) > Interface > USB to Lightning or USB-C cable > iPad or iPhone
Three or more microphones or audio sources configuration
Recommended Equipment
iPad or iPhone
USB to Lightning or USB to USB-C cable (normally included with mixer)
Microphone(s) or audio source(s)
Signal Path
Microphone(s) or audio source(s) > XLR cable(s) > USB Mixer > USB to Lightning or USB-C cable > Adapter > iPad or iPhone
Identifying equipment needs
You can also follow this flow chart for additional information on selecting the right configuration based on whether or not you already own a mixer.
Keyword(s): audio, configuration, setup, mixer, microphone, interface, adapter