Embedding a Facebook Live Video

Many video streaming platforms, like Facebook and YouTube, provide an embed code that allows you to add the video player to your website. Embedding a video is ideal if you want people to watch on your website instead of the platform. This article walks through the process of finding the embed code for a scheduled Facebook Live video. 

To Embed a Facebook Live stream, you will first need to setup a Facebook Live Scheduled Stream.

Once the stream has been created, a new post will appear on the Facebook destination you selected. 

On a computer go to the Page or Timeline that you choose to schedule the stream for. Find the post for your scheduled live video, and click on the three dots in the upper right. You will need to be an admin of the Page to see this option. 

If you cannot find the post, click on the publishing tools option at the top and a list of your posts will appear, including the scheduled live video.

Now click “Edit post” from the dropdown menu. 

Find the icon that says “” towards the bottom right and click on that.

Copy this code and paste it onto your website or where you need the Facebook Live video to be embedded.

Even if someone does not have a Facebook account, they will be able to watch this video.

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